A typical day

  • 8am – 11.30am – Children welcomed into the setting ready for the day. 
    Free flow play and playful learning experiences including Montessori-based activities. Children free-flow play in the morning, independently selecting toys and resources from the shelves. A range of activities are provided both indoors and outdoors in the garden or on an outing. Learning activities are planned on a regular basis to ensure they are meeting the individual needs and interests of each child as according to the EYFS. These include storytelling, art & craft activities, music and nursery rhyme sessions and nature based activities. Montessori activities include practical life, sensorial, mathematical, literacy, creativity and knowledge and understanding of the world. 

  • 11.30am – 12.30pm – Lunch-time – parents to provide a cold packed lunch.

  • 12.30pm – 5pm  – Children nap if required. Free flow play and playful learning experiences  indoors or outdoors in the garden. Tidy up time and getting ready for home. A warm meal provided by parents can be heated up for children attending the later session until 5pm.


Indoor learning activities 

Outdoor learning activities